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Rhode Island

June 27, 2022

July 1, 2022

Providence provided two beautiful experiences for me. Firstly, I saw an old friend I have known since grade 2 in Nova Scotia. Nancy still looks the same, except she no longer has the horned-rimmed glasses she wore when we first met. It was great to get caught up a bit.

Secondly, I attended a lawn concert The Rhode Island Historical Society hosted. I met Dave earlier at the RIHS building near Brown University. I got to talk with him at the concert only to learn that he and his fiancé are planning their wedding on The Isle of Skye. Cool! I’m still hoping Dave reaches out to me for a Zoom interview.

I traveled back to Manchester to interview Robert B. Perreault and John Clayton. So, my Providence trip was fruitful in that sense. The nice thing about being in New England is that driving distances from state to state are short.

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