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September 1, 2022

September 6, 2022

Like the first city to which I traveled on my Eastern Journey, I did a lot of prep work in Minneapolis. I did meet a few remarkable individuals, including the pigeon man. He owns a store across from the Bob Dylan Mural and feeds and provides water to a flock of pigeons who gather just outside his shop. I gave him my card but, like many others, I have yet to hear from him. I also met an effervescent minister at an Episcopalian church. I still hope we connect and talk at some future date.

Finally, I walked into a senior citizen living compound and had a great discussion with one of the administrators. As she noted, seniors love to talk about their lives. I may have stumbled onto something here and will continue this approach in future cities.

But all of that paled compared to what happened on Labor Day. On that day, I received the most significant break ever. One of the leading experts in the world on the psychological narrative and its importance in later life, Dr. Bill Randall, nominated me for a TED Talk! Randall, a Harvard, U Toronto, and Cambridge-educated professor in New Brunswick, is a big believer in the importance of my project. I met him in June and also interviewed him. And, yes, I intend to leverage this for whatever it might yield. Not many achieve this high honor. Clearly, I am on the right track.

On to Canada, the country of my birth.

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